infra 在...之下或之外
- instrastructure n 基础建设,基础设施
- instruct 建造
- ure 构成抽象名词
- infra + structure 建造底层结构 >> 基础设置
- It's romote area with little infrastructure.
astr 星星
- astrophysicist n 天体物理学家
- astr 星星
- physi 自然;身体
- ist 构成人称名词及相关形容词
- astrophysicist 研究星星身体的人 >> 天梯物理学家
- He was an astrophysicist for NASA.
physi 自然的,身体的
- physician n 医生,(尤指)内科医生
- physi 自然,身体
- cian 构成名字;从事...的人
- physician 从事治愈身体的人 >> 医生,(尤指)内科医生
- This is a caring physician trying to help.
geo 地球
- geophysical adj 地球物理学
- geo 地球
- physi 自然;身体
- geophysical = geo + physical >> 地球物理学的
- Geophysical studies in Earth are challenging because the Earth is opaque, right?
tract 拉、拽
- contract n 合同,契约 vi vt 使缩小,收缩 签合同
- con (com) 一起,全,加强预期
- tract 拉、拽
- contract 把甲方和乙方拉在一起 >> 合同,合约;收缩
- Sign the contract now Walter.
sid 坐
- reside vi 居住,定居 存在于 属于
- re 再;向后;加强语气
- sid 坐
- reside = to sit back >> to stay behind 留下来,安顿下来 >> 居住
- I reside here in New York.
puls 驱使,推
- compulsory adj 强制性的,义务的
- com 一起;全;加强语气
- puls 驱使;推
- ory 构成形容词
- compulsory (各种力量)一起驱使的 >> 规定的,强迫的;义务的
- School is compulsory for children between the ages of 6 and 14.
ant 构成名词;工作执行者
- depressant n. 抑制剂,抑制药,镇静剂
- de- =表示否等;除去;向下
- press = 按压
- ant = 构成名词;工作执行者
- This is why you may have heard that alcohol is a depressant.
- convey vt. 表达,传递,传达;运输,运送
- con - (com-) = 一起;全;加强语气
- vey=路
- Please convey my apologies to Mr. Ackerley.
dermin = 结束,边界
- determine vt. 确定,查明,决定 vt.vi,决定,下决心
- de = 表否定;除去;向下
- dermin = 结束,边界
- Julia will determine the cause of the illness.
ate = 构成动词
- terminate vt.vi. (使)结束,(使)终止. vi.到达终点
- termin = 结束,边界
- ate = 构成动词
- I terminated the contract this afternoon.
pos = 放置
- composition n.构成,作品,作曲,作为,构图
- com- = 一起;全;加强语气
- pos = 放置
- tion = 构成名词;表"动作、状态"等
- composition = compose派生名词,构成,作品,创作,构图,作文
- The chemical composition of their spaceship is unknown.
dis- = 表示否定;远离
- disposition n.性情,倾向,布置,安排,处置
- dis- = 表示否定;远离
- pos = 放置
- -tion = 构成名词;表示"动作、状态"等
- disposition=来自dispose(使倾向于,乐意)性情,倾向;布置,安排;处置
op-(ob-) = 反;向;妨碍
- opposition n.反对,对手,反手党,对立
- op-(ob-) = 反;向;妨碍
- pos = 放置
- -tion = 构成名词:表"动作、状态"等,opposition=oppose派生的名词;反对,反抗,反手党,对手
- Most of American's wars had faced some opposition.
-ure 构成抽象名词
- posture n. 姿态,姿势,态度,立场 vi.装腔作势
- post = 放置
- -ure = 构成抽象名词
- posture n. 姿态,姿势,态度,立场 vi.装腔作势
- Good posture will help you breathe and speak easier.
sup- (sub-) = 在下面
- suppress vt. 镇压,压抑,封锁,隐瞒,抑制
- sup- (sub-) = 在下面
- press = 按压
- suppress = 向下压,镇压,压制;封锁;抑制;阻止
- I think he's trying to suppress a smile.